If you haven’t already got one, it is about time that you get yourself one of those rebate cards which allows you to be the responsible spender that you can be. Just make sure to know how to get the most from the best cash back credit card, which you can achieve with these great tips. Remember, shopping is a lot more fun when you aren’t spending as much, so don’t miss out on making sure you are getting most from your cash back card.
The first thing to remember when you have a credit card is that you need to pay it off every month. This way you can really get the most from your rewards because any lapse in payments will forfeit the money back given to you and you will end up paying even more than saving. The best way to do this is think of your card like it were cash so only use your card for what you know you can pay for right away.
Make sure that you are aware of the expiry dates of the points you earn from spending. It’s OK to save and accumulate points for better deals, but it would be a shame if you don’t get to use these points because it has expired, so just make sure you are aware of expiration. Also, make it a point to know any collaborations your card companies have with certain retail outlets, you never know there could be free gift cards or special discounts that you can avail of.
Instead of paying in cash, it would be best to use your card for all your purchases. This way you can really make the most savings, just make sure you don’t spend over your limit and that you can pay these expenses on the due dates. Other than this, cards also have small benefits that they offer on the side, from roadside assistance, extended warranties, and other things. Know all your benefits so you can make the most out of your card.
Try to apply for cash back cards that don’t have any annual fees or rewards fees. If not, you end up balancing out the amount you pay for the fee with the rewards you earn, which isn’t a good thing. Always make it a point that you are actually getting some savings from the card that you use.